Election 2024 /

The Post-Debate Polling Results Are In

  |   By Polling+ Staff

Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

The post-debate polling results are in.

Pollster Robert Cahaly reports these interesting results for the joint Trafalgar polling group.

1. Support for president before the debate:

47% Trump
47% Harris
   2% Others
   4%  Undecided

2. Who won the debate?

55% Harris
43% Trump
  2%  Tie

3. Who are you voting for now?

48% Trump
48% Harris
  1% Others
  3% Undecided

Which is to say, while a 12-point margin of respondents gave the debate to Harris over Trump when then asked:

Considering tonight’s debate performances, if you had to vote tomorrow, for whom would you vote?

And the answer was:

48.2% Trump
47.9% Harris
  1% Others
  3% Undecided

In other words? In other words in spite of thinking Harris won the debate, the respondents, albeit within the margin of error, said they were going to be voting for Trump.

The hard reality here is that the debate over the debate will fade rapidly. In fact, the debate is already receding from Topic A because of the arrival of 9/11 and the massive coverage the remembrance of that day brings to Americans.

Which is to say, the debate is over, and Americans are moving on. Rest assured there will be more and new campaign news and campaign polls to come.