Call it a case of “He Said, She Said”.
Here’s the headline from, of all places, The Hollywood Reporter: https://www.hollywoodreporter.
Oprah Winfrey Disputes Mitt Romney’s Claim That She Asked to Join Him on a Unity Presidential Ticket
Romney claims in a new biography that Winfrey called and asked him to join her on a 2020 presidential ticket. Winfrey says that isn’t so.
The famous Hollywood trade paper reports:
“ Oprah Winfrey is pushing back on a claim made by Sen. Mitt Romney in a new biography.
A spokesperson for Winfrey tells The Hollywood Reporter that, despite a claim in a new book, Winfrey was never considering a run for president in 2020 and did not ask Romney to join her on a ticket.
‘In November 2019, Ms. Winfrey called Senator Romney to encourage him to run on an Independent ticket,’ the spokesperson says. ‘She was not calling to be part of the ticket and was never considering running herself.’
In the upcoming book Romney: A Reckoning, by veteran political journalist McKay Coppins, Utah Republican Romney recalls receiving a call from the media mogul, who is a Democrat, claiming that they should form a unity ticket ‘to save the country.’
Axios first reported on the excerpt from the book Monday.”
Oprah, it should be said, is decidedly not a serious politico. She is, for lack of a better word, a “dabbler.” She hung with her buddies Barack and Michelle Obama. In the recent Pennsylvania Senate race she made known she was supporting the eccentric Democrat John Fetterman over her one-time pal Dr. Mehmet Oz.
But Oprah herself for president? Or vice president? Or any other political office? Nah. She has had several shots at this, and refused all of them.
No matter what this Mitt Romney bio claims.