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NY Post: McCarthy Warns of potential terrorist “sleeper cells” in U.S.

  |   By Polling+ Staff

And in the midst of the GOP House Speaker fight comes this from former Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Headlines The New York Post: https://nypost.com/2023/10/23/kevin-mccarthy-warns-of-potential-sleeper-cells-in-the-us/

Kevin McCarthy warns of potential terrorist ‘sleeper cells’ in the US

The Post reports:

Ousted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has warned there may be terrorist sleeper cells hiding in the US and waiting for the order to strike during the unprecedented illegal immigration at the southern border.

‘If you simply look at what’s the chaos right now, a wide-open southern border, I’m concerned about a cell sitting inside America today,’ the Republican Congressman told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday.

‘We just caught 18 people just last month on the FBI Terror Watch List coming across our border, more than 160 have done it this year,’ the former speaker said, citing a recently released Customs and Border Protection report, which showed a total of 169 people on the terror watch list were apprehended over the past 12 months.

He noted that the troubling figures showed there were more terrorists attempting to enter the US via the southern border last year than over the past six fiscal years combined.

‘When we’re looking around the Middle East and the uprisings popping up around Europe and others, they could be sleeper cells right now in America. 

…But this administration [hasn’t done anything] to change what’s happening on the southern border,’ McCarthy continued. ‘We got government funding where our troops wouldn’t be paid sitting here for a month.’”



As the world appears to deteriorate rapidly in the Biden era – Ukraine yesterday, Israel today, who knows what tomorrow – it can come as no surprise that those who hate America would target the United States by crossing the US Southern Border.

Recall that the 9/11 Commission charged with investigating all aspects of the September 2001 attack eventually reported that “a terrorist could attempt to bypass legal procedures and enter the United States surreptitiously.”

“Two of the passports that have survived” from the hijackers “were clearly doctored.” It added:

“But from what we know about al Qaeda passport practices and other information, we believe it is possible that six more of the hijackers presented passports that had some of these same clues to their association with al Qaeda.”

In other words, the machinery was out there to allow these terrorists to import themselves without suspicion inside the United States, and once inside to go about their planning and execution of the 9/11 hijackings.

Which should tell authorities not just that there are in fact terrorists out there who do indeed believe in the terrorist chant of “Death to America”- but they can manage the ability to organize and execute an attack or attacks plural.

And just as McCarthy notes “the troubling figures showed there were more terrorists attempting to enter the US via the southern border last year than over the past six fiscal years combined.”

Suffice to say, the Biden handling of the Border crisis is less than reassuring.

McCarthy gets it.