Tony Bobulinski Rips Dems’ Character ‘Assassination’: ‘Disgusting’
Hunter’s ex-pal Tony Bobulinski is not holding back. Newsmax headlines his appearance in front of the House Oversight Committee reporting:
“Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski went after House Oversight Democrats, including ranking member Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., and Rep. Dan Goldman, D-N.Y., in a fiery opening statement at Wednesday’s Biden impeachment inquiry hearing.
‘We keep hearing from certain corners that our ‘democracy is at risk’ and that ‘democracy is on the ballot in 2024,’ yet the same people preaching this mantra, who know better, continue to lie directly to the American people without hesitation or remorse,’ Bobulinski said in his opening statement, which began after he mocked Hunter Biden for being unwilling to testify publicly.
‘Rep. Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin, both lawyers, and Mr. Goldman a former prosecutor with the Southern District of New York, will continue to lie today in this hearing and then go straight to the media to tell more lies.’
Goldman was the Democrats’ leading impeachment lawyer targeting then-President Donald Trump before Goldman won his House seat in deep blue New York City.
Both Raskin and Golden interrupted Bobulinski’s opening statement with objections, but Comer backed both off before allowing Bobulinski to continue, noting guest witnesses are permitted to call Democrats liars and interrupting the witness was inappropriate.
‘Hunter Biden’s defense attorney, Abbe Lowell, weaponizes letters to Congress to try to smear my name and misstate the cold hard facts in an attempt to save his powerfully connected client — and his father,’ Bobulinski’s opening statement continued. ‘I challenge Mr. Lowell to make those claims on national television so he can be held accountable for his lies. The Biden defenders’ outrageous dishonesty and vile attempts at assassinating my character are as predictable as they are disgusting.’
‘As a former Naval officer, I do not understand this world of partisan outrage and insanity; I struggle to process it, and I despise it.’
Bobulinski testified publicly along with fellow former Hunter Biden business partner Jason Galanis, who testified virtually from prison.
Democrats are expected to attack Galanis because he was convicted for fraud and is currently in prison, but Bobulinski’s opening statement hailed his ‘impeccable military record’ as making him a credible witness.
‘Though the truth involving the deep corruption of the Biden family, including the malfeasance of the sitting president of the United States, might be raw and unpleasant, the American people must hear it, can handle it, and have the right to process it as they choose,’ Bobulinski said in his opening statement. “You are presented with two narratives in this investigation: A false one being pushed by Joe Biden, a serial liar and fabulist now under this impeachment investigation for public corruption; his brother Jim Biden, a 75-year-old man who cannot keep his lies straight, including under oath; and his son Hunter Biden, a chronic drug addict facing two indictments with twelve counts.
‘You also have before you the truth, confirmed by multiple Biden family business partners over many years and backed up by mountains of irrefutable evidence, including text messages, emails, documents, and recordings.’
House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, R-Ky., admitted the impeachment of President Joe Biden is facing a likely dead end in the Democrat-held Senate, but he is now steering the investigation to criminal referrals to potentially hold the alleged Biden family’s foreign influence peddling operation accountable in court or perhaps the next Trump administration, he told Newsmax‘s Kilmeny Duchardt before the hearing.
The White House has said the investigation is baseless and politically motivated.
‘It is obviously time to move on, Mr. Speaker. This impeachment is over. There is too much important work to be done for the American people to continue wasting time on this charade,’ White House counsel Edward Siskel wrote in a letter to House GOP Speaker Mike Johnson last week.
The Republicans’ slim House majority will likely make impeachment difficult. The chamber held a second vote last month to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas, the administration’s top border official, after a first vote failed.
The Democrat-led Senate, which has yet to take it up, will almost certainly vote to acquit Mayorkas.
‘I hope the American people will pay close attention to this hearing,’ Bobulinski’s pointed opening statement added. ‘I also hope they will understand that some members of this Committee will engage in absurd attacks and efforts to try to deflect attention from the facts I will present by questioning my integrity, my patriotic duty to my country, and my sole focus on simply telling the truth.’
‘Don’t fall for their disingenuous smokescreens and gaslighting. You may see me speak passionately at this hearing, but for good reason: not only was I willing to die for for this great country, every single male member of my immediate family was willing to die for it, too.’
Bobulinski pointed to Hunter Biden’s alleged ‘perjury’ before the closed-door testimony as evidence the Bidens committed wrongdoing.
‘I want to be crystal clear: from my direct personal experience and what I have subsequently come to learn, it is clear to me that Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ being sold by the Biden family,’ his statement continued. ‘His family’s foreign influence peddling operation — from China to Ukraine and elsewhere — sold out to foreign actors who were seeking to gain influence and access to Joe Biden and the United States government.’
‘Joe Biden was more than a participant in and beneficiary of his family’s business; he was an active, aware enabler who met with business associates such as myself to further the business, despite being buffered by a complex scheme to maintain plausible deniability.’
‘If there is no evidence of corruption — if Joe’s conduct and the conduct of his family were fully legal and proper — then why are they so dishonest about it? Not just slight misrepresentations of fact but deep untruths about the entire corrupt enterprise.’
Bobulinski’s opening statement was cut short by time, but a printed copy obtained by Newsmax showed a defiant witness calling out Democrats, the Bidens, and the media for lying in a cover-up.
‘The Bidens are guilty of foreign influence peddling, and they can’t even get their stories coordinated,’ the written opening statement read. “I have been publicly presenting the same truthful statements for almost four years now. It is interesting that the ‘mainstream’ media refuses to cover what I have to say and that no one from the Biden family — whose corrupt behavior I have consistently and publicly called out — has ever sued me for defamation.
‘The Bidens and their lawyers, along with liars like Mr. Raskin, Mr. Goldman, and a host of other Democrats, emphatically claim that I lied to the FBI. That is a criminal offense. The FBI interviewed me almost four years ago.’
‘Why haven’t they charged me? Because I obviously didn’t lie to the FBI and the claim is patently absurd and defamatory.’
Bobulinski added his former partner Hunter Biden refused to speak before a public hearing.
‘Hunter Biden was invited by this committee to tell his side and the Biden family’s side of the story,’ his written opening statement concluded. ‘Unfortunately for him and the Biden family, their story is one of profound corruption, lies, and perjury.’ ‘It is no surprise that he is a no-show today, running like a coward from this opportunity to answer simple questions in public — a chance he was adamant about having and long said he wanted.’”
In short, the Bidens have a serious problem on their hands. Added in to the policy woes of the Biden presidency we shall see whether Bobulinski is the equivalent of Nixon’s Alexander Butterfield.
For those coming in late, the Watergate hearings into Nixon were meandering along and not seeming to go anywhere. Then Butterfield suddenly appeared with the blockbuster revelation that there was an audio taping system in the White House – taping every last word said by the President. Cue the uproar and demand to turn over the tapes to the Senate Watergate Committee and the special prosecutor. Nixon fought the demand and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court – which ruled unanimously that Nixon had to turn over the tapes. Within days all of America could hear Nixon saying things on tape that convicted him of participating in a Watergate cover-up. Within days Nixon resigned and was out of the White House.
Will Bobulinski be Biden’s Butterfield – the key witness that brings down a presidency? Stay tuned.
Newsmax: Tony Bobulinski Rips Dems’ Character ‘Assassination’: ‘Disgusting’

(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)