And the House Speaker wheel keeps spinning.
Newsmax headlines:
Group: GOP Challenger to Face Jordan Tuesday
The Newsmax story links to this Politico story from reporter Olivia Beavers that reports:
“A faction of Republicans that strongly opposes Jim Jordan is vowing he’ll have a challenger during the House floor speakership vote on Tuesday, according to two House Republicans familiar with the planning.
While they have not yet nailed down a specific name, they believe the person they ultimately land on will not only be able block Jordan from the speakership, but also give cover to those who want to vote against him. The challenger will certainly take arrows from the far-right flank of the conference, which is pushing hard for Jordan.
‘There will be an alternative for the rational part of the Republican conference,’ said one of these House Republicans.
It’s an unwelcome development for Jordan that will further complicate his rocky bid to get to 217 votes on the House floor. Few House Republicans had predicted he would face a competitor after he won the conference’s nomination on Friday.”
An outsider is forced to ask: Do any of these GOP Congressman understand how much damage they are doing to the GOP? They were elected to lead – and they can’t even lead themselves to electing a Speaker.
Even more interesting is the reality that there are a handful of Republican members who, apparently, aren’t really Republicans at all but, as the saying goes, RINOs – Republicans in name only.
And right there is the real problem here. At base there are “Republicans” who use the party to get elected, then spend their time fighting the Party of Reagan in the same fashion the RINOs of his day fought Ronald Reagan himself.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
Stay tuned. A vote is scheduled for Tuesday.