Has John Wayne just nailed Joe Biden as a liar?
Newsmax’s John Gizzi reports this: https://www.newsmax.com/john-
John Wayne Museum Offers $1,000 to Find Movie Biden References
Gizzi reports:
“President Biden raised a few eyebrows earlier this week when, at a press conference in Vietnam, he cited a line from a movie that he said starred John Wayne and called skeptics of climate change “lying, dog-faced pony soldier[s].”
The president, who has invoked this line and attributed it to a film with the late film legend Wayne before, also invoked his brother and claimed he was a fan of Western films.
Now, the John Wayne Birthplace and Museum is getting into the act.
‘I will give $1,000 to anyone who can tell us when or in what movie John Wayne said that,’ Brian Downes, executive director of the Wayne Museum, told Newsmax on Tuesday evening.
‘[Biden’s quote] is ridiculous,’ said Downes, ‘John Wayne never said that. And you can quote me!’”
This would be an amusing, minor note except for the decidedly repeated instance of Biden flat out lying about all kind of things major and minor. The other day he claimed he was in New York at ground zero on September 12, 2001 – the day after 9/11. In fact, it is documented that he was in Washington
FactCheck.org – and they are not alone – headlines this: https://www.msn.com/en-us/
“Speaking at a military base in Alaska on the anniversary of 9/11, President Joe Biden wrongly said that he visited ground zero in New York City the day after the attack. Biden first visited the site nine days after terrorists flew planes into the twin towers at the World Trade Center.
…Biden was part of a contingent of 38 U.S. senators who traveled from Washington, D.C., to New York City via Amtrak that day to visit ground zero and to console families of victims, according to a Sept. 20, 2001, CNN story forwarded to us by the White House. The delegation was joined in New York by the state’s two Democratic senators, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Charles Schumer.
A White House official who spoke on the condition of anonymity confirmed to CNN that Biden first visited Manhattan nine days after the attack as part of the bipartisan Senate delegation.”
The New York Post’s editorial board was quick to pounce on this latest Biden lie, headlining: https://nypost.com/2023/09/12/
Biden’s Ground Zero lie is the latest in a long career of falsehoods
The Post notes:
“The thing is, lies have been Biden’s standard operating procedure for decades.
He lies for sympathy, claiming time and again, with no evidence, that the driver of the other car in the accident that killed his first wife and daughter was drunk. And twisting son Beau’s death from cancer into a service-related loss.
He lies for extra gravitas: For years he told a 100% false story about having been arrested in South Africa while trying to see Nelson Mandela.
…He made numerous bald-faced claims he knew nothing about his son Hunter’s crooked business dealings, when in fact he had been involved in them up to the eyeballs.
It worked for him well enough in his decades as a senator, and even as vice president (aggressive falsehoods helped him wipe the floor with GOP candidate Paul Ryan in the 2012 veep debate).
But a president’s words face the greatest scrutiny on the planet, and he’s too old to change his ways. Indeed, his evident cognitive decline renders him a more awkward liar.”
Well said.
The problem, of course, is that Biden has another two years to run on his term, unless he is impeached and removed.
But the country is getting used to the realization that their president just repeatedly lies – on any topic under the son.
Not good.
And somewhere John Wayne is shaking his head in disbelief.