Polls Show Netanyahu, Right-wing Surging in Wartime Israel
Bibi surges.
Meanwhile, away from the chaos in America, the story reports:
“Two new polls show Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu surging politically in Israel, despite pressure by Democrats in the United States, and left-wing protests in Israel, to force new elections and a change in government
Bloomberg News reported on a new survey by Israel’s Channel 12:
‘Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is starting to regain his popularity after struggling politically for more than a year, out-polling main rival Benny Gantz for the first time since the war against Hamas started in October.
A Channel 12 survey conducted on Wednesday of 500 voters representing a cross-section of Israeli society asked “Who is better suited to serve as prime minister?” It found 36% chose Netanyahu and 30% [main rival Benny] Gantz. The margin of error was 4.4%.’
Those results were confirmed by another poll from Israel’s Channel 14 — the Israeli equivalent of Fox News in the United States. It found that Netanyahu’s Likud Party is gaining strength and would receive 27 seats in Israel’s 120-seat Knesset, if an election were held today. Gantz’s party would only receive 19 seats. Together, right-wing parties would be able to form a bloc of 58 seats, while left-wing parties would have 52 seats, and Arab parties the other 10.
President Joe Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) have tried to push Netanyahu out, as have left-wing groups in Israel — some of which have funding from the U.S. government. The Israeli public feels otherwise.
Report: State Department Funding Anti-government Group in Israel
Joel B. Pollak
The U.S. State Department has been funding a left-wing organization in Israel that is helping to promote anti-go…
The main reason Israelis are rallying to Netanyahu is that they support his policies of defeating Hamas and refusing to allow the creation of a Palestinian state as a result of the war, lest doing so reward the terror attack of October 7.
By opposing Israel’s military operation to destroy the last Hamas battalions in the city of Rafah, and by insisting on the creation of a Palestinian state, the Biden administration has, ironically, strengthened Netanyahu domestically.”
The focus on the chaos in the US is understandable. But regardless, the outside world spins on.
Breitbart: Polls Show Netanyahu, Right-wing Surging in Wartime Israel

(Photo by GIL COHEN-MAGEN / POOL / AFP) (Photo by GIL COHEN-MAGEN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)