Well no surprise here.
Breitbart headlines: https://www.breitbart.com/
Few Americans say conservatives can speak freely on college campuses, an AP-NORC/UChicago poll shows
The story says:
“WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans view college campuses as far friendlier to liberals than to conservatives when it comes to free speech, with adults across the political spectrum seeing less tolerance for those on the right, according to a new poll.
Overall, 47% of adults say liberals have “a lot” of freedom to express their views on college campuses, while just 20% said the same of conservatives, according to polling from the The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the University of Chicago Forum for Free Inquiry and Expression.
Republicans perceive a stronger bias on campuses against conservatives, but Democrats see a difference too — about 4 in 10 Democrats say liberals can speak their minds freely on campuses, while about 3 in 10 Democrats say conservatives can do so.”
Back there in 2017 I was invited to speak at my college – Franklin and Marshall in Pennsylvania. The invite came from the F&M College Republicans – I had been a member while there years earlier – and the reason was clear. The college was discussing limits on free speech.
The day before the advent the college called and said they were assigning me three security guards for the time I would be on campus. They even assigned me a secluded parking space so my car would not be spotted and damaged.
The night of the event the auditorium was packed. Earlier in the day there was a sign on what we call “the protest tree” – where students can post signs with their views on anything. The sign said I had no business on being on campus because I was spreading hate.
The night went smoothly. I was allowed to speak without interruption and debate afterwards was feisty. I stood up for free speech. Those who opposed clearly wanted their fellow students who were conservatives silenced.
Then there are all those examples of conservative speakers being barred from campuses or drowned out by noisy protestors.
And on this controversy goes. In other words, the AP poll cited above is spot on. With the fight for free speech on college campuses ongoing, and conservative students always the target.